Initial Setup
Logging into your website
1.) Username
After your purchase of SiteNinja you will receive an Email with your initial Login and Password.
2.) Password
After your purchase of SiteNinja you will receive an Email with your initial Login and Password.
3.) Sign In
Click this button to sign into your Site-Ninja Admin.
Set Your Website Logo
After logging into your website, you will be at your Admin Dashboard. From here Click the "Settings Gear" icon and select "Templates."
Select your template to edit it.
Click "Choose File" and select the logo file for your website.
Set Your Website Name
To set your website's name/title, click the "Settings Gear" icon and select
"Edit Settings" from your Admin Toolbar.
Navigate to the "Advanced" tab and set your name in the "Site Name" field. Scroll down to save changes.
Set Your Websites Contact Information
From your website's settings menu, select the "Inquiries/Notifications" tab to open your website's contact settings.
Fill out the "Inquiry Email address" field with the Email you want to have Emails sent to when users contact you from your website.