SiteNinja Admin Dashboard
1. Website Identification
SiteNinja displays the logo of the account. This is very useful for multiple site owners.
2. Visitor Traffic
SiteNinja tracks your daily and weekly traffic. To view more detailed traffic, click the Google Analytics link on the dashboard.
Google Webmail
SiteNinja uses Google Application Email. You can access your Webmail by going to, where "" is your domain name. Please do not delete the 2 default email accounts [email protected] and These two accounts are reserved for use by SiteNinja.
Google Analytics
All SiteNinja websites come with the ability to track visitor traffic with Google Analytics. Click this link to create a new account or view stats from your current account.
3. Admin Overview
Activity Overview
Here is where you can monitor and view updated pages and articles that have been added or editied on your site.
Support Links
Here is where you can access important SiteNinja administrative links like post support and billing tickets.
Email Stats
SiteNinja uses a 3rd party Email provider, for all mail leaving the website. If you have the Newsletter module, you can send up to 10,000 Emails per month for free. Cilck this link to track your outgoing Email Stats. You should have received your Email Stats login in your Welcome Email.
4. SiteNinja Updates
At the bottom of the Admin Dashboard you will see you most recent website update time stamp. This is helpful to track website updates.