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Logging in to the administrative side of your website takes three easy steps:

1. Go to, https://www."yourwebaddress".com/admin

This is the login screen for the administrative side of your website.  Your logo will dsiplay in the upper left hand corner so you know it is your site. 
Logging In Site-Ninja Ameravant Santa Barbara

Your password is private. Only you know it.

Logins and passwords were set up when the site went live. You may have changed it since. Always keep a copy of your password since they are private and cannot be seen by anyone.

2. ENTER your "Login" into the box

3. ENTER your "Password" into the box

4. SELECT "Sign In"

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Forgot your password?

We keep your login on file.  However, if you've forgotten your password, you'll need to reset it. 

1. Go to, https://www."yourwebaddress".com/admin

2. Underneath the "Password" box, SELECT "Forgot your password?"

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3. ENTER the new password

4. SELECT "Reset your password"

You can now begin to use your new password to login to the administrative side of the website.
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