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Instructions for creating multiple Heading Titles for webpage:

1) Place your curser in the 1st heading title text.  Make sure you separate your header text from the paragraph text below by pressing the ENTER key after the last word in your header

2) select an H1, H2, etc from the Format Dropdown list in the Html editor.  This will apply the formatting to ALL text within the paragraphs tags in that text.  You cannot use the Format dropdown to format content within a paragraph.  To format content within a paragraph you can use Bold, Italic or Underline. 

3) You do not need to highlight your entire Heading text to apply formatting.  The editor will automatically apply formatting for all text in that paragraph

4) Press the ENTER key to create another paragraph break.  Then enter your paragraph text

5) Press the ENTER key to create another paragraph break.  Then enter your Heading text, and repeat #2 above for each section of the page.

H1 - Heading 1 Sample

H2 - Heading 2 Sample

H3 - Heading 3 Sample

H4 - Heading 4 Sample

H5 - Heading 5 Sample

How to add Tables to your Page


If you need to position content on your page in multiple rows or columns, you may need to add a Table to your page.  If your website uses a Responsive web design, you should know that Tables do not display well on smaller devices, like moble phones.

Step #1 - Place an Empty Table on the Page

  1. Go to the edit screen for the page you want to add your Table
  2. Place your cursor where you want to add your table.  You should place your table on a blank row.
  3. Click the "Insert/Edit Table" button in your Html Editor

Step #1 - Place an Empty Table on the PageStep #1 - Place an Empty Table on the Page

Step #2 - Select Number of Columns and Rows

  1. Columns: verticle columns
  2. Rows: horizontal rows
  3. Cell PaddingThe cellpadding attribute specifies the space, in pixels, between the cell wall and the cell content.
  4. Cell SpacingThe cellspacing attribute specifies the space, in pixels, between cells. Think of this as the thickness of the walls of your Table
  5. Width: Fixed width of the table.  The width of the Body of most websites, that have a main column and a side column, is 550 pixels.  If  you do no have a side column on your page, your table can be the full width of your site, normally 900 pixels.

Step #2 - Select Number of Columns and RowsStep #2 - Select Number of Columns and Rows

Step #3 - Adding content to your Table

  1. Notices as you add content to your table, the width of the columns will change. This is normal. Column width changes to fit the content you are placing in each cell.

Step #3 - Adding content to your TableStep #3 - Adding content to your Table

Step #4 - Preview your Table

  1. If you maximize your browser window, while your are editing your page, you will see the abilty to preview your page before you save it.  Click the "Quick Refresh" button to preview your table.

Step #4 - Preview your TableStep #4 - Preview your Table

Step #5 - Add more Rows or Columns to your Table

  1. To add a new Row under the last row in the table, right-click anywhere in the last row.  You will see a menu pop up. 
  2. Navigate to the "Row/Insert Row After" menu. Selecting this will add a new Row to your Table.
  3. You can add or remove columns in the same manner
  4. You can also return to the original Properties Edit Screen for the table by selecting "Table Properties"
  5. In some cases, you may want to place a Table inside the cell of another Table.  Right-click in the cell you want to add the embedded table and select "Insert/Edit Table"

Step #5 - Add more Rows or Columns to your TableStep #5 - Add more Rows or Columns to your Table

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